with Leigh Ann Yoder & Ed Insel Photos Needed to Decode MessagesThis week, Mr. Insel subbed for Ms. LA while she was away on vacation. Here are Mr. Insel's notes… Class went well -- we completed the triangles (how difficult it can be to verbally convey information), morse code (they used their hands, but I had them add some signs to indicate when a letter ends and when a word ends) , private code (able to encode and decode messages within a team), and public coded messages. Two teams used the same code, and the other two teams used pictograms as their code. I had them write their encoded messages on large post-its, and I took snapshots of them after they left. They wanted to be able to try to decode the other teams’ messages during the week. I explained the scoring: 5 pts for each word correctly decoded on any of the sheets, 10 bonus pts for correctly decoding the entire message on any of the sheets (photos below). Students: Here are the photos needed for decoding the messages started in class this week: Comments are closed.
May 2016