with Leigh Ann Yoder Plant and Animal CellsClass began with the students sketching both plant and animal cells. They were able to observe and compare cross sections and longitudinal sections of plants. We discussed the two types and how they can tell the difference when looking through the microscope. Students observed and sketched two types of animal cells and had a brief lesson on squamous epithelial tissue. This is the tissue found both on the outer layer of bodies (skin) and internally (mouth, esophagus, intestines, etc). Students should now be able to tell the difference between the two types of tissue (wet and dry) and understand the general components. I emphasized familiarity with the material, not mastery. There will be time for that in high school biology. It seems all the students have thoroughly enjoyed their first project. We discussed our results so far and shared an egg that had been soaked in corn syrup. A brief lesson in osmosis helped explain to the students why their eggs increased/decreased circumference with various soakings. Our mini-lesson allowed for some interesting discussions and extra learning opportunities. Students should be able to explain why we will dehydrate ourselves if we drink salt water. Please ask them! This project is to be completed this week. Chemical Compounds in CellsWe reviewed the key concepts learned in this week's readings. Focusing first on elements, molecules, and compounds. Next we discussed inorganic and organic compounds, and finally, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, amino acids, DNA and RNA. All students were well prepared and able to contribute to our discussions. Which Foods Are Fat Free?We began our first lab today. I explained the general components of a lab and the procedures. As a class we read the entire lab before beginning. This is like reading a recipe before you begin cooking. Students used fat testing strips to test the fat content of a variety of sour creams and cream cheeses. The products were labeled either fat free, low fat, or neither. All students were able to successfully collect and record their data during class. Some will need to complete their analysis and conclusion at home if they did not complete in class. Handheld Microscopes![]() Several students were interested in the handheld field microscopes we used for our first class. You can purchase them from carolina.com (item #182138) for $19.95. Please note we will meet at regular time next week - 10AM Please bring $25 supply fee if you have not done so already. HomeworkREQUIRED:
Read 1.4 The Cell in Its Environment and complete the Study Guide Eggsperiment: Complete and bring cleaned jar to class next week Lab: If you did not finish the lab in class, complete the analysis and one paragraph conclusion. BRING SAFETY GOOGLES TO CLASS NEXT WEEK OR YOU CAN NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE LAB - NO EXCEPTIONS! OPTIONAL: Online Activity pg. 34 of text Chapter 1 Review: Key Terms and Connection Concepts (in your notebook) Study Chapter 1 **Note - If you plan for your student to take the Chapter 1 test next week it is highly recommended they complete the review and study the chapter. Comments are closed.
May 2016