with Kim Rodgers The Vikings!We began class as we always do, going over the notebooking and mapping activities. I was reminded once again how great it is when the kids read what they wrote about our discussion from our last lesson. By the time the last student shares we have covered a lot of the details we discussed during our last class. They remember so much! We moved onto the Vikings. This is an exciting time during history and the kids were eager to hear about Eric the Red and his son Leif Ericsson. But before they appeared in the timeline we learned about how the barbarians from the North kept invading the Frankish Kingdoms and became a thorn in the side of the three kings of the day. The western kingdom became so fed up that they eventually just gave a piece of land to these Norsemen (North-men) and called it Northmen’s Land, which eventually became Normandy. These Vikings did the same thing the barbarians from long ago did. They adopted the Franks way of life and became more settled, speaking and dressing as the French. This is when Eric appeared on the scene, fleeing his homeland when a quarrel with a neighbor ended with two men dead. Leaving Iceland, he set off looking for a brand new land and landed on the shores of a bleak, lonely place full of ice, where the sun never set in the summer and never rose in the winter. He named this place Greenland, hoping it would entice some of his countrymen to join them in this new homeland. It worked, and many families came to help settle the land, but found it very difficult to survive the lack of opportunity to grow food and provide for their families.
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May 2016