with Kim Rodgers Frank BeginningsThis week we used a map to travel back across all the landscapes we’ve been studying so far, which brought us to what is now modern-day France. Barbarians invaded Roman territory, where they began to learn Roman customs like building houses instead of being nomads, shaving and taking baths, and missionaries taught them about Christianity. They also learned how to speak Latin. The Franks were made up of different tribes who settled next to Roman citizens, along with other barbarian tribes called Burgundians and Allemanni. The problem was that they all didn’t like each other too much. They did become allies in order to fight against the Huns under the leadership of Merovius, but once the Huns retreated they went back to their warring ways. Merovius’s grandson, Clovis, remembered the days of unity and when he was 20 years old he became the leader of his tribe. His goal was to unite Gaul into one empire. He married a princess from the Burgundian tribe named Clotilda, fought other tribes and forced his leadership onto them, and defeated the last Roman soldiers left in the area. His empire became known as the Frankish empire, which is now called France.
![]() The students then took a large sheet of paper and began work on creating their own empire. They drew maps of what their empire might look like, including a key in the corner. Many of them were still working on it when class ended. This week have them finish their map and include some laws they would put in place in their empire. Mapwork for the Kingdom of the FranksYour child came home with a notebooking page and a map, but apparently when I was making copies I skipped the map work instructions. I’m including them here so your child can complete their maps.
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May 2016