Happy Birthday, Will! - April 23rd, 1564 What a fun and creative class this week due to all the unique and original projects, skits, and readings! Bravo…Brava! We got off to a great start with an awesome "rap" about Hamlet that got the whole class feeling the beat! Then, on to some creative power point presentations based on The Ghost of Hamlet's Father, Hamlet's close friend Horatio, and Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, plus, a slideshow on Hamlet's evil Uncle Claudius. We also heard some lovely poems about Ophelia, Hamlet's girlfriend, enjoyed seeing a poster of the crazier side of Hamlet, as well as a cleverly drawn Facebook page on Gertrude with a current message included about gender roles of those times and how women were perceived in the 1600's (I love this class!). We engaged in a few discussions on each project and why the students chose their character and how their research may have shifted their views on the play or character. Thank you all for sharing your projects and your heart and soul with the class. You were amazing.
Until then, lots more practice and more HOMEWORK Students were given a Part II handout to the Shakespearean Web Quest assignment from early April. They are to gather information from the several websites given and find out more about the mysterious William Shakespeare. Go to each site where instructed, and read the information given in that site. Then, answer the questions asked. Note* You may need to go beyond the first page of the site to find the information! We will share and discuss your findings in class next Monday. Also, please note, Question #9 may require a software download -- therefore, YOU MAY SKIP #9! Treasure hunt alert! *If you find an interesting nugget of information about Will outside of your research, write it down and bring it with you. Let's see who finds the most interesting tidbit. Have a great week everybody! Comments are closed.
May 2016